Call for Papers

 At the second Látkép (Panorama) Art History Festival, presenters will have the opportunity to share their professional findings across a total of 22 sections as part of the scientific conference.

Highlighted Sections

One Hungarian-language invited section will feature presentations from representatives of a related discipline, ethnography, exploring topics connected to art history.

Four English-language invited sections will bring together renowned experts to discuss the architectural and artistic contexts of specific periods in the Central European region.

Call for Papers

Through the public call for papers, applicants can choose from 17 Hungarian-language sections. These sections reflect the diversity of the discipline of art history, showcasing a wealth of approaches, highlighting some innovative research directions, and addressing current scholarly questions. Please note that interpretation services will not be provided.


After the Corpus – Experiences in Baroque Fresco Research

Session Chair: János Jernyei Kiss

As a result of the research program that began sixteen years ago and the ongoing publication work initiated six years ago, the fourth and final volume of the corpus of Baroque frescoes in Hungary will be published in the autumn of 2024, completing the project. This session will focus on new directions and branches that follow this fundamental research. The preparation of the corpus of Baroque frescoes in Hungary has provided valuable insights for the study of other artistic phenomena from the Baroque era. The methodology, based on documenting and analyzing the memories of various regions using a unified set of criteria, offers new approaches that could be applied to the research of architecture, painting, sculpture, and applied arts.

One of the emerging new topics could be a deeper examination of the social and economic contexts of Baroque artistic works, as well as the analysis of the relationships between the arts. Furthermore, the methodology provided by the corpus could serve as a model for the in-depth study of specific, well-defined groups of artifacts from other periods of Hungarian art history.

How can the results of this research be applied beyond the published volumes? What potential benefits can they bring to the fields of heritage preservation, the work of restorers, and interdisciplinary studies? How can the methodological lessons learned be extended to the study and historical processing of other areas and artifacts in art history? We invite proposals for presentations based on these ideas and questions.